Still Mind, an artist's guide.

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5 Facts About Gratitude

Staring at an online sale I have no business participating in, I’m reminded of a few things I’ve learned about gratitude, my secret weapon when physical goods and material accomplishments aren’t living up to the hype:

  1. Gratitude is not about denying traumatic experiences, hiding my pain, or saying everything is ok when it’s not.

  2. Gratitude is a conscious choice to focus on the things I can appreciate right now, in the moment, for the moment.

  3. Gratitude is a practice - which means I’ll dip in and out of it. The more I work on it, the more skilled I become. The more skilled I become, the more challenges I can take on.

  4. Gratitude is for everyone. When I’m in a state of gratitude, I’m not only better for myself, but also for everyone around me.

  5. Gratitude is always accessible. Because it comes from within, I don’t have to ask for permission or wait for the right time and place to get it.

Which one of these rings truest to you?