How Change In The World Is Changing My Focus

In the middle of global shutdowns, economic volatility, and imagining a world where policing in the U.S. no longer exists…

It’s a great time to reconsider your mission, your mindset, and your priorities.

I’m finally coming to terms with the fact that my new normal is now.

And with that, living in a new world means living with new priorities.

Here’s how recent shifts in our world have shifted my perspective:

  1. Working In vs. Working Out.

    • I am focusing more on the person I want to be inside vs. the personality I want to project on the outside.

    • I am prioritizing my actual health over the appearance of health.

    • I am paying more attention to my personal values and instincts vs. my material image and possessions.

    • I am initiating important conversations with myself internally, which helps me initiate the same conversations with friends and family.

    • I am being more sincere with my giving vs. performative with causes I believe in.

  2. Excelling Horizontally vs. Excelling Vertically.

    • I am focused more on my contribution to the collective than my come-up as an individual.

    • I am paying more attention to long-term relationships and family vs. short-term contacts and acquaintances.

    • I am broadening my idea of success to include areas beyond upward mobility, and prioritizing holistic growth for all areas of my life.

  3. “Here and Now.” vs. “Someday, Maybe”

    • I am learning how to detach from the immediate outcome of things and celebrate the process of just doing the work.

    • I am learning how to sit and be present with my less than optimal self.

    • I am learning how to say yes when my intuition calls.

    • I am learning how to act with imperfection vs. waiting for a perfect moment that never comes.

What about you? How have recent changes in the world brought a change to your focus?